Console tools for create and build Angular7+, Bootstrap, Ionic and NestJS application - Rucken

Console tools for create and build Angular7+, Bootstrap, Ionic and NestJS application

Rucken Cli: Workspace
angular nx generator

Workspace generator, based on the Rucken template

Run example:
npx @rucken/cli workspace custom-workspace --author=EndyKaufman
Install dependencies:
cd custom-workspace
npm i

Output files Source code Package

Rucken Cli: Application
angular nx nestjs ionic bootstrap generator

Application generator, based on the Rucken template

Run example:
npx @rucken/cli app custom-app --api=/api --type=all
Install dependencies:
npm i
Build example:
npm run ng build custom-app
npm run ng build custom-app-ionic
npm run ng build custom-app-nestjs
# apply migrations for nestjs backend
npm run migrate:prod
Build Android example:
npm run ng run custom-app-ionic:android-prepare
# twice run as workaround for long operations
npm run ng run custom-app-ionic:android-prepare
npm run ng run custom-app-ionic:android-build
Serve example:
npm run ng serve custom-app
npm run ng serve custom-app-ionic
npm run ng serve custom-app-nestjs

Source code Package

Rucken Cli: Library
angular nx nestjs ionic bootstrap generator

Library generator, based on the Rucken template

Run example:
npx @rucken/cli lib custom-lib --org=custom-org --type=all
npx @rucken/cli lib custom-lib-web --org=custom-org --type=frontend
npx @rucken/cli lib custom-lib-ionic --org=custom-org --type=frontend
Build libraries example:
npm run ng build custom-lib
npm run ng build custom-lib-web
npm run ng build custom-lib-ionic
npm run ng build custom-lib-nestjs

Source code Package

Rucken Cli: Library to application
angular nx nestjs ionic bootstrap generator

Linking the library to the application, based on the Rucken template

Run example:
npx @rucken/cli lib2app --frontendLib=custom-lib --frontendApp=custom-app --type=frontend
npx @rucken/cli lib2app --frontendLib=custom-lib-web --frontendApp=custom-app --type=frontend
npx @rucken/cli lib2app --frontendLib=custom-lib --frontendApp=custom-app-ionic --type=frontend
npx @rucken/cli lib2app --frontendLib=custom-lib-ionic --frontendApp=custom-app-ionic --type=frontend
npx @rucken/cli lib2app --nestjsLib=custom-lib-nestjs --nestjsApp=custom-app-nestjs --type=nestjs

Source code Package

Rucken Cli: Entity
angular nx nestjs ionic bootstrap generator

The generator of the entity, based on the Rucken template

Run example:
npx @rucken/cli entity custom-entity --lib=custom-lib --timestamp=1553957529598 --type=all
Build libraries example:
npm run ng build custom-lib
npm run ng build custom-lib-web
npm run ng build custom-lib-ionic
npm run ng build custom-lib-nestjs

Source code Package

Rucken Cli: Entity to application
angular nx nestjs ionic bootstrap generator

Linking the entity to the application, based on the Rucken template

Run example:
npx @rucken/cli entity2app custom-entity --lib=custom-lib --app=custom-app --type=all
Build example:
npm run ng build custom-app
npm run ng build custom-app-ionic
npm run ng build custom-app-nestjs
# apply migrations for nestjs backend
npm run migrate:prod
Serve example:
npm run ng serve custom-app
npm run ng serve custom-app-ionic
npm run ng serve custom-app-nestjs

Source code Package

Rucken Cli: Config
angular nx nestjs tools

Change angular.json properties and tsconfig.json properties for switch between dev - for speedup mono serve mode and prod - build optimization and standalone build all lib and application

Run example:
npx @rucken/cli config ./src --mode=prod
npx @rucken/cli config --mode=dev

Output files Source code Package

Rucken Cli: Make list of typescript files
angular nx nestjs tools

Make index.ts with list of ts files recursive from source folder

Run example:
npx @rucken/cli make-ts-list ./src

Output files Source code Package

Rucken Cli: Translate
angular nx nestjs tools

Extract translate from source and make ts class from it

Run example:
npx @rucken/cli translate ./src

Output files Source code Package

Rucken Cli: Version updater
angular nx nestjs tools

Libraries dependencies and package.json versions updater from root package.json

Run example:
npx @rucken/cli version-updater ./src

Output files Source code Package

Rucken Cli: Prepare
angular nx nestjs tools

Translate + make-ts-list + version-update + config

Run example:
npx @rucken/cli prepare ./src
npx @rucken/cli prepare --mode=dev

Source code Package